Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Sorry If you wanted to see older posts!

 Hello folks!

I have used this blog for a very long time. I'm sorry if you were looking for a post here and can't find it! I am clearing out my older accounts for a bit of a fresh start. I reverted all of my older posts to drafts so I don't lose them but I just don't love the idea of them being out to the public since so much of it was when I was quite young. I don't think there's anything posted that I wouldn't be up for talking about now, as in I'm not exactly trying to hide anything but honestly, I don't have the time or energy to make sure younger me didn't accidentally dox us somehow. x_x

So hey! If you are looking for something here, as in a link or information etc. feel free to comment or contact me through any social media and I can get that for you!

For those of you who may be wondering about this I'll explain. I don't want to be known, as I am now, by older posts of mine. Like I said I don't actually have anything to hide in these posts or something I'm not comfortable talking about openly but I'm also not 100% sure I'd be safe leaving them up since the world was a different place when I started this blog. I'd be surprised if anyone would look through these posts for any reason honestly but I don't want to take chances when the internet is the way it is.
I'm very sure I've said stupid things over the years but I'm also sure I don't feel the same way now that I did then. So mostly I don't want people to think who I am now is remotely the same to who I was at 15 or 16 years old. Lots of things are the same but a lot of things aren't as well. I also just feel better saying why I'm clearing things and explaining it's not due to any shame or anything but mostly because I was not (and still sometimes are not) always smart hahaha!

Not sure how or what I'll be using this space for yet but It's not going anywhere as of yet!

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